Recorded audio tracks of Swami Kripalu.
These are all digitized cassette tape recordings. Please notes that some darshans start 5 to 30 seconds after the beginning of the video due to the initial taping.
May 20th, 1977: Arrival in the United States, Kennedy Airport, New York City. Bapuji’s first message. He chants Om Guru Om.
May 22, 1977: He sings his bhajan “Bless Us So We Do Not Forget Your Guidance” and explains its meaning. He talks about the importance of Prayer and tells the story of Swami Ram Thirtha. He chants Hari Hari Bol.
May 24, 1977 A.M. Darshan: He talks about baby Krishna. (Then there is a long pause in this tape) He describes meeting his Guru at age 19 the night he was going to commit suicide. This is a touching tape.
May 24, 1977 P.M. Darshan: He sings his bhajan, “Surrender to God,” and explains its meanding. He chants Prabhu Prasanna Rahe.
May 25, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “Service to the Guru” and explains its meaning. He talks about serving his Guru when he was 19 and ends by chanting Shankara Bolo.
May 26, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “The Highest Goal,” and explains its meaning (“Do Not Look upon the Faults of Others.” He tells two stories, “The Critical Disciple” and “Saint Tukaram and his Wife.” He chants Ruta Mane Rama.
May 28, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “Forever Kindle in Me the Flame of Faith” and discusses Faith. He tells two stories, “A Child’s Faith,” and “The Disciple and the Cobra.” He chants Om Ram, Hare Ram.
May 28, 1977: The Lila of Krishna. He chants Nana Kaloa Nandalal.
May 29, 1977: He chants his bhajan, “Lord Cast Your Sweet Gaze on Me,” and discusses Divine Protection. Stories, “My First Meal as a Swami,” “The Woman Pujarini,” “Just Chant Ram,” “Lord Cast Your Sweet Gaze on Me.” He chants Hari Hari Bol.
May 29, 1977: His first meal as a swami.
June 8, 1977: Informal darshan with Bapuji. He meets ashram residents and tries to learn their names.
June 9, 1977: (this darshan was on side B of the original tape, thus starts at approximately 47 minutes) He sings his bhajan, “Thou Art the Doer and I am the Follower,” and explains its meaning. Stories: “The Life of Mercy Mata,” and, “The Saint Who Couldn’t Practice What He Preached.” He chants Om Namo Narayanaya.
June 18, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “Mother Kundalini,” and discusses his Kundalini experiences in sadhana. He discusses the Divine Play of God. Baby Krishna. Story, “A Flower for Lord Buddha.”
June 19, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “Seeing Uniformity in Diversity, Seeing God Everywhere,” and explains its meaning. Story, “The Distracted Husband.” He chants a Ram dhun.
June 20, 1977: Remembering Father’s Day. Story, “Swami Ramathirtha Comes to America.” He chants Radha Rani Kejai.
June 26, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “The Curves of Krishna,” and explains its meaning. (Vinit Muni translates) Chants Vankhe Vihale
June 26, 1977: Service. Stories “Fool of Fools,” “The King and the Servant.”
June 27, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “Where are You, My Lord?” and discusses its meaning: the Omnipresence of God. Stories: “The Devotee Who Couldn’t Find Ram,” “The Dull Silversmith,” “The Forgetful Husband.” He chants Guru Om
June 28, 1977: Separation from God. Story: “A Gopi’s Separation from Krishna.”
June 30, 1977: Talking to ashram musicians. Dancing in yoga. Demonstrates yogic mudras. The Two Types of Spiritual Teachers. Story: “The Guru with no Nose.” Chants Radha Rani Ki Jai.
July 1, 1977: Part of his Guru Purnima speech. “Divine Knowledge” Stories: “The Proud Crow,” “The Dull Disciple,” He chants Sarvetra Sukhinah Santu.
July 2, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “You are my Life,” and explains its meaning. Mastery of Life. Grace of Guru. Chants Jivansarvasra (You Are My Life), chants Jai Jai Shri Guru Deva Dayalu
July 4, 1977: He sings his bhajan, “The Guide of Life,” and explains its meaning. Stories: “The Extoxicated Choba,” Jaiminiji Battles Lust.” He chants Guru Mari Hodaline.
July 20, 1977: The Importance of Silence, the Tapas of Speech…a partial darshan, but clear. He chants Hare Rama Rama.
July 21, 1977: He discusses “Katori Karan,” Tension and Relaxation amd tells four stories: “The Man Who Thought He Was Going to Die,” “The Famous Body-Builder,” “The Demon Ravana,” “Wrestling with my Guru when I was 19.”
July 23, 1977: He chants “Hari Krishna, Hari Rama,” and discusses the meaning of inaction and surrender to prana in the Bhagavad Gita. Stories: “The King and His Seven Queens,” “Sudama and the Lord’s Maya.”
July 24, 1977: The Bhagavad Gita. (A nice darshan, but not very clear)
July 28, 1977: Love. Meditation. Ram dhun. Story: “Bharat Muni and the Deer.”
July 29, 1977: Leaving for Toronto, saying goodbye to Sumneytown residents for one month. Speaks about Love and practicing Self-Observation. Includes a long OM chanting with Bapuji.
July 30, 1977: He chants Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. His thoughts on religion, silence, non-violence, and the four goals of Sanatan Dharma.
August 4, 1977 (In California): Tolerance…(clear, but only a partial darshan)
August 5, 1977 (In California): He chants Redayemore and discusses the Yamas and Niyamas.
August 6, 1977 (In California): He chants Rama Rama Hari Rama and discusses “How to Recognize a Saint.” Stories: “The Four Fake Saints,” “The King and the Three Famous Saints.” He chants Ratora Mana Rama Ramane Hare Ram.
August 8, 1977 (In California): He chants Hari Hari Bol. Mercy. Stories: “Siddhartha Saves a Swan” “The Beggar Woman’s Compassion.” He chants a Ram dhun.
August 9, 1977 (In California): On Prana and the Nature of the Mind. How to Still the Mind. Slow Motion Prana exercise. Chants Jaya Shiva Shankara
August 10, 1977 (In California): Marriage. (Vinit Muni translates) (this darshan was on side B of the original tape, thus starts at approximately 40 minutes)
August 13, 1977 (In California): Contentment
August 14, 1977 (In California, AM Darshan): Tapas. He chants Govinda Gopala and Radha Rani Ki Jai
August 16, 1977 (In California): Worship of God. He chants Govinda Jaya Jaya and Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Stories: “A Child and Her Doll,” and “The Young Mother and her Dead Son.”
August 18, 1977 (In California): Mati. The Intellect. He chants a Ram dhun
August 21, 1977 (His last darshan in California): Sanatan Dharma. He chants Om Namah Shivaya Gurave.
August 26, 1977: Listening to the Scriptures. He chants Govinda Jai Jai
49. September 4, 1977: He chants Rama Rama Hari Rama and discusses the purpose of spending time in an ashram.
September 6, 1977: Bapuji in Montreal at the ashram of Ma Om Shanti. He sings his bhajan, “The Enchanting Movements of Baby Krishna.”
September 7, 1977 (In Toronto): Yogic Experiences. Nad---spontaneous sound in yoga sadhana. The Ram mantra. The 10th Door in Yoga. Kechari mudra. Kundalini experiences. St. Francis (a partial darshan, but clear) Story: “The Foreigner Who Chanted Ram.” He chants Guru Om
On September 10, 1977, Swami Kripalu went into seclusion
December 4, 1977. Message from his slate. Read and translated by Yogi Desai. (this reading was on side B of the original tape, thus starts at approximately 24 minutes)
May 7, 1978: Bapuji sings two new bhajans that he wrote in the United States.
Bapuji Chanting, Part I, 1978
Bapuji Chantig, Part II, 1978
Bapuji Chants the Bhagavad Gita
March 25, 1979: Spontaneous chanting by Bapuji in Sadhana. (This was a tape given to me by Swami Vinit Muni of Bapuji chanting spontaneously in Sadhana on the morning of March 25, 1979. Bapuji taped himself and gave the tape to Vinit Muni who gave it to me. The sounds come from Nad, when the pranic energy is active in the throat and moves the vocal chords. All great mantras came from the yogis in this way.)
Idol Worship (3 tapes) A formal written talk, translated and read by Yogi Amrit Desai.
May 1, 1974: Darshan in Kayavarohan, India
A Collection of Stories: “The Patch.” “The Dull Disciple.” “The Town That Prayed for Rain.” “The Sculptor and His Son.” “Siddhartha Saves a Swan.” “The Mighty King Saves a Boy.” “The Beggar Woman’s Compassion.” “The Proud Crow.” “The Four Fake Saints.”
Interview with journalist from "Innerpath" magazine on June 22, 1977.
The videos on this website are from the following collections
From the collection of Anne Hollander (Sushila)
May 20th, 1977
May 22, 1977
May 24, 1977
May 24, 1977
May 25, 1977
May 26, 1977
May 28, 1977
May 28, 1977
May 29, 1977
May 29, 1977
June 18, 1977
June 19, 1977
June 20, 1977
June 26, 1977
June, 1977
June 27, 1977
June 28, 1977
June 30, 1977
July 2, 1977
July 4, 1977
July 23, 1977
July 28, 1977
August, 1977 in California
August, 1977. Idol Worship (3 tapes)
From the collection of John Mundahl (Jyotindra)
June 22, 1977
June 18, 1977
July 4, 1977
July 15, 1977
July 20, 1977
July 21, 1977
July 24, 1977
July 24, 1977
July 26, 1977
July 29, 1977
July 29, 1977
July 30, 1977
August 4, 1977 (In California)
August 5, 1977 (In California)
August 5, 1977 (In California)
August 6, 1977 (In California)
August 8, 1977 (In California)
August 19, 1977 (In California)
August 13, 1977 (In California)
August 14, 1977 (In California)
August 14, 1977 (In California, PM Darshan)
August 16, 1977 (In California)
August 21, 1977 (In California)
August 26, 1977 AM Darshan
August 26, 1977 PM Darshan
September 1, 1977
September 1, 1977
September 4, 1977
September 9, 1977
September 19, 1977
Bapuji Chanting, Part I, 1978
Bapuji Chanting, Part II, 1978
Bapuji Chants the Bhagavad Gita
December 4, 1977
May 7, 1978
Spontaneous chanting by Bapuji in Sadhana (given to me by Swami Vinit Muni)
A Collection of Stories: “The Patch.” “The Dull Disciple.” “The Town That Prayed for Rain.” “The Sculptor and His Son.” “Siddhartha Saves a Swan.” “The Mighty King Saves a Boy.” “The Beggar Woman’s Compassion.” “The Proud Crow.” “The Four Fake Saints.”